18 April 2022

Sunday is Easter! Whether you (still) celebrate it or not, most of us enjoy that extra day off on Monday to be with family or catch up on other social activities. We asked a few of our colleagues about their Easter memories, and here's what they answered.

An Rietjens

Pasen, dat is voor mij een amalgaam van herinneringen waarin eieren centraal staan!  Hardgekookte eieren in vleesbrood, in brioches, in de tuin. Naturel of geverfd.  Chocolade-eieren overal, waarvan ik er ook lang na Pasen terugvond tussen de struiken.   Ik denk spontaan ook aan hoe vroom ik de weken vooraf vastte: minder snoepen, centjes sparen voor de goede doelen, extra braaf zijn en heel erg verlangen naar het feest waarop ik mijn nieuwe lentekleren mocht dragen. Meestal was het dan zo koud dat er toch een dikke jas over en een dikke maillot onder moest. Bummer. Gelukkig waren er die vele eieren om mij op te vrolijken.    Vandaag is Pasen voor mij vooral het afsluiten van de winter, vooruitkijken naar de warme, lichte maanden. En genieten van het verlangen dat mijn dochter nu kent: naar zon, naar feest, naar licht en vooral … naar eieren.  

Chloe Le Garrec  

Easter reminds me of two things. First thing, a happy memory, seeing my grandparents again and watching my parents prepare the Easter hunt like their lives depended on it. Second thing, what I like to call the « after » Easter hunt : the Easter hide. I had to find the best hiding spot to hide my chocolate, otherwise my dad would eat it for me. I love you though Dad!  

Lise van der Veken

“Voor mij was pasen echt altijd familiefeest, eerst in onze eigen tuin eitjes zoeken en daarna bij onze grootouders met alle kleinkinderen. Iedereen kreeg een mandje en de oudste hielpen de jongste. Alles werd op een hoop gegooid en daarna verdeeld. Dan zaten we nog weken, maanden met chocolade die we nooit op kregen…”  

Nick van Calck

I remember staying in my veranda in front of the backyard. Both of my parents were next to me, as well as my brother. At once, we saw chocolate eggs falling from the sky. We were so excited and amazed. Our parents recently told us about the "flying bells" dropping chocolate in the backyards of kind children. No one else was supposed to be home so that made it even more magical. Years later they told us our grandparents were hiding upstairs throwing the chocolate eggs through the windows of the roof. After that it was a race against my brother to collect them as fast as possible. You know how young brothers like to be competitive!

Jolien Lamberigts  

We used to impatiently wait at the back door leading to the garden, until we were allowed to go outside. Each one of us had a little woven basket. It was always really early, thus cold, and I remember how we trotted around in our boots and big coats. It felt so magical finding those eggs and sometimes other gifts! Now I get to have my godchild experience the same magic and seeing his face light up is always worth it. It’s not just the chocolate, it’s knowing that Spring is in full bloom, and soon the days will become better, brighter, and everyone will generally feel happier because of it.   

Aymeric Wielemans

I used to go to the Belgian coast during the easter break. We spent our days running outside in the garden, playing tennis and going to the beach. On easter monday all children gathered and started searching for chocolate eggs. Looking back, the easter break was my favourite of the year  

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